Life Noggin releases video, 'This is How We Know The Earth Is Flat' in the wake of D. Marble taking his Spirit Level on an AirplaneBroadcasting to more than 1.3 Million subscribers, Life Noggin has hopped on the Flat Earth Debunk Train. Their recent video, made in response to D. Marble's Spirit Level Experiment (Flat Earthers toss him a like, he got a lotta hate for it), and has a sum total half a million views, about the same as D. Marble's video. We're gonna walk through the points Life Noggin made one by one, and see what's what. Here goes: "Right now you're probably watching this video from somewhere on Earth. That big round beautiful planet humans call home. But how do you know the earth is round?" FIRST REBUTTAL: FLAT EARTHERS DO NOT CLAIM THE EARTH IS NOT ROUND. THEY CLAIM THE EARTH IS NOT A SPHERE AT THE SIZE WE HAVE BEEN TOLD, AND EITHER IT'S A BIGGER SPHERE OR IT'S LEVEL AS IT APPEARS TO BE (WITHSTANDING MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS). THIS IS A KEY LANGUAGE ISSUE AS THE EARTH COULD BE ROUND AND FLAT, LIKE DINNER PLATES, FRISBEES, LAKES, AND MANY OTHER THINGS."But how do we know the earth is round? Your senses would tell you the earth is flat. This is true. Our senses indicate a flat and stationary earth."After all if you stand in a large field it actually looks pretty flat. And if you walk through that field it doesn't feel like your going over a curve. Could it be that the earth is actually flat? Well let's try an experiment. Say you're standing in a field outside of Chicago. If the earth is flat you should be able to see South West, and see some of the tallest points in the United States The Rocky Mountains. But the thing is... you can't. That's because of the curvature of the earth." SECOND REBUTTAL: CHICAGO LIES AT 595 FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL, and MT. ELBERT (THE TALLEST POINT IN THE ROCKIES), IS 14,440 FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THEM 1006 MILES.PRESUMING YOU COULD SEE SOMETHING 3 MILES HIGH FROM 1,000 MILES AWAY IS SO COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS WHETHER THE EARTH IS FLAT OR ROUND. "You'll notice a similar problem if you stand on the seashore and try and watch a boat sail away. After a while it will disappear from view and not only that but the bottom of the boat will vanish before the top as it goes over what is called the horizon line. The place where the sky meets the earth. For someone who is six feet tall the horizon line is only six feet away." THIRD REBUTTAL: THE FACT THAT THEY ARE STILL MAKING THIS ARGUMENT AND HAVEN'T UPDATED IT IS HILARIOUS. CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE A BOAT IN VIEW FROM A CAMERA, WHICH PANS BACK, AND MAKES IT "GO OVER THE HORIZON". THE BOAT DIDN'T GO OVER THE HORIZON, IT TRAVELED BEYOND YOUR LINE OF SIGHT. THE FACT THAT LIFE NOGGIN SAYS WATCHING A BOAT GO OUT TO SEA AND DISAPPEAR IS PROOF OF THE CURVATURE OF THE EARTH IS A BLATAN LIE WHICH YOU CAN VERIFY FOR YOURSELF WITH A HIGH-POWERED ZOOM CAMERA LIKE A P900. FURTHER MORE, THE ASSERTION THAT THE HULL OF THE BOAT DISAPPEARING BEFORE THE TOP OF THE BOAT INDICATES A CONVEX LANDSCAPE IS FALSE, THE SAME EFFECT CAN BE FOUND TO OCCUR ON LEVEL SURFACES. AS ERIC DUBAY NOTES, "THE LOWEST PARTS OF OBJECTS RECEDING FROM A GIVEN POINT OF OBSERVATION NECESSARILY DISAPPEAR BEFORE THE HIGHEST." "We've known about the planet's curvature for over two thousand years. The Ancient Greeks figured out the earth is round based on several pieces of evidence including their observation of ships going over the horizon line. The Scientist Aristotle writing in 350 BCE noted that during an eclipse the earth makes a round shadow on the moon." FOURTH REBUTTAL: OBVIOUSLY THIS IS THE BEST, AND PERHAPS ONLY RELEVANT ARGUMENT. I'LL STATE THE QUESTION AGAI: HOW IS A LUNAR ECLIPSE POSSIBLE ON A FLAT EARTH IF THE EARTH IS BETWEEN THE MOON AND THE SUN, and THE EARTH'S SPHERICITY CAUSES THE CURVE TO APPEAR ON THE SHADOWED OCCLUSION OF THE MOON, AKA THE ECLIPSE? LOOKING AT THIS MODEL THAT DEPICTS HOW LUNAR ECLIPSES OCCCUR, IF THE LIGHT SOURCE (SUN) IS ABOVE THE OBJECT (EARTH), THAT IS TO THE SUN IS ABOVE OUR VISUAL HORIZON, AND THUS SHOULD BE ILLUMINATING THE TOP PORTION OF THE MOON, WHILE THE EARTH, BENEATH YOUR FEET, SHOULD BE CASTING THE PENUMBRAL SHADOW VIEWABLE ALONG ITS BOTTOM PORTION. AS YOU CAN TELL BY THE MODEL ABOVE, THE EFFECT OF THE SUN AND MOON BOTH BEING UP AT THE SAME TIME WHILST AN ECLIPSE IS OCCURRING SHOULD MEAN THAT THE PENUMBRAL SHADOW CAST BY THE EARTH WOULD BE UPON THE BOTTOM OF THE MOON, AND THE SOLAR REFLECTION CAUSED BY THE SUN WOULD BE ON THE TOP OF THE MOON. "He [Aristotle] also realized that stars appear in different places depending on where you are standing. For example, he saw stars in Egypt that were invisible farther north." FIFTH REBUTTAL: EGYPT LIES AT ~ 26°N, 30°E. OBVIOUSLY, TRAVELING NORTH OF THAT LOCATION, SUCH AS UP TO 48° N IN PARIS, WILL SHIFT YOUR ANGULAR VIEW OF THE SKY. THIS HAS NO BEARING ON WHETHER THE EARTH IS FLAT OR SPHERICAL, AS EITHER ONE CAN EXPLAIN THIS SHIFT. ALL THIS MEANS IS THAT COVERING HUNDREDS OF MILES OF EARTH'S SURFACE, WILL IN TURN, SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE OF WHERE YOU SEE THE STARS IN THE NIGHT SKY."Roughly 100 years later Humans got their first measurements of the earth's curve, from another Greek Mathematician, Aristothenes, he had heard of a city in Southern Egypt, Syene, where at noon on the summer solstice the sun was directly overhead and the buildings cast no shadows, but at the same time in the northern city of Alexandria, the buildings did cast shadows, meaning the sun was at a different angle in the sky. On the day of the solstice the Eratosthenes stuck a stick in the ground in Alexandria, and measured the angle of its shadow, using the distance between the two cities, he was able to calculate the curvature of the earth." SIXTH REBUTTAL: FIRST OFF, ERATOSTHENES EXPERIMENT WAS DONE TO APPROXIMATE THE DISTANCE AROUND THE EARTH, NOT ITS DEGREE OF CURVATURE. ONLY TROUBLE IS, THE EARTH DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A SPHERE FOR THIS MEASUREMENT TO MAKE SENSE. SAYING, "IF THE EARTH WAS FLAT NEITHER THE STICK IN ALEXANDRIA NOR THE BUILDINGS IN SYENE WOULD CAST A SHADOW" PRESUPPOSES THE SUN IS SO FAR AWAY, THAT A DISTANCE OF 7 ° NORTH COULD CAUSE AN ANGULAR SHIFT IN ONES RELATION TO IT. "You could actually perform this if you have a friend living a few miles away. Or if your friend is several hours west you can get more proof that the earth is round by calling them at sunset and asking how the sky looks. It will still be daylight there because of the earth's curve." °SEVENTH REBUTTAL: OBVIOUSLY THIS IS JUST THE APPLICATION OF THE SAME LOGIC AS FALSELY APPLIED TO ERATOSTHENES' CIRCUMFERENCE CALCULATION, AND THUS WE'VE ALREADY PROVIDED CAUSE FOR DOUBT. BUT LET'S SUPPOSE YOU CALL YOUR BUDDY WHO LIVES A FEW HOURS WEST OF YOU AS THE SUN SETS, LET'S ALSO SUPPOSE THE TOP OF YOUR SUN HAS JUST GONE OUT OF VIEW. ALRIGHT SO YOU HIT EM UP QUICK AND HE LET'S YOU KNOW THAT HE'S STILL GOT TWO HOURS BRIGHT SUN UNTIL IT SETS. SUPPOSE HE PULLS OUT HIS ASTROLABE TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR DEGREE AT WHICH HE IS VIEWING THE SUN. LET'S SAY FOR FUN, YOUR ON THE EQUATOR AND ITS THE EQUINOX, AND HE'S ALSO LOCATED TWO HOURS WEST OF YOU ON THE EQUATOR. HALF OF THE EARTH'S CIRCUMFERENCE AT THE EQUATOR IS ROUGHLY 25,000/2 = 12,500 AND 12,500 /12 = 1,041.6 miles, AND 1,041.6 X 2 = THE DISTANCE HE IS AWAY FROM YOU. "And there is one more piece of clear evidence for the planet's shape. Pictures taken from space. Maybe you're not on earth after all and are actually watching this video from the Space Station, in which case please leave a comment because that's so cool. If that's true you'll have a birds eye view of this giant blue and green globe what a beautiful place to live. So what other myths about the earth do you want me to explore. EIGHTH REBUTTAL: PICTURES FROM SPACE IS THE DEFAULT ARGUMENT GLOBEYS TAKE WHEN YOU PIN THEM ON CURVATURE OR START PECKING AROUND ANTARCTICA. NOTE BILL NYE'S EVASIVE MANEUVER ON JUST SUCH A QUESTION. IF YOU'RE THIS FAR INTO THE ARTICLE I DON'T NEED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT PICTURES FROM SPACE. CHECK OUT JAPAN'S MOON PHOTOS!Do you love Science? Do you love video games? If so you'll have to checkout Play Noggin which is an excellent combination of the two. Julian recently explored the idea of MIND CONTROL. CHECK IT OUT!. NINTH REBUTTAL: NOTE THIS OMINOUSLY APPROPRIATE VIDEO GAME ADVERTISEMENT FOR MIND CONTROL THAT'S TAGGED ONTO THE END OF THIS FLAT EARTH DEBUNK VIDEO BY LIFE NOGGIN."If the colander our protagonist puts on his head allows him to hack into the minds of his less intellectual friends then in theory he could exercise control over their actions. At a basic level it doesn't sound too complicated. In order to control a particular area of the brain you have to stimulate it with energy."
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April 2021