In this rare scenario, late Astronomer Carl Sagan "endorses" 'Flatlandia'!Spiritual North sent an email to the journalist whom covered the 'Research Flat Earth' Billboard, and opted to Publish it.The article covers pro and con opinion about Flat Earth, and points out that, "open discussion is a good thing!" Thank you Brian Hickey, and BTW, the earth could be round and flat, I think what you mean to say is you believe it is a sphere... or do you? KFC launches the new #SPACESANDWICH, a deliberate "Fake Space" Astronot form of programming with homage to NASA.Row Lowe stars as, 'Colonial Sanders', in the new KFC-NASA Collaboration, presenting the "Space Chicken Sandwich" commercial, full of Dome symbolism and Space Propaganda. Check out a snippet of the commercial here. KFC is now sending a Chicken Sandwich to Space, so they can join the Masonic initiated actors club who pretends to have gone there. Note the KFC logo is a deliberate homage to NASA, and the dome symbolism on the screen. KFC Space Station Headquarters. Note the maps of the world on the screens. KFC-NASA Space Chicken Sandwich Dome Symbolism, raises questions as to the intentions of KFC.
Research Flat Earth Billboard gets Local News Coverage, demonstrating for less than a Grand Flat Earth Marketing Coordinators have Mainlined into the System.The Flat Earth Guerrilla Marketing campaign is well underway, as the less than $1,000 investment in a 'Research Flat Earth' billboard has now earned CBS Philly News' attention, thereby multiplying the value of each dollar spent on the Billboard and indicating unilaterally Flat Earther's make prudent Marketing Decisions. Who is FEPE? The Rookery (2 A.G.) #FEPE #FAF #2AGFlat Earth People Everywhere, aka FEPE, are known as The Rookery in 2 A.G. (After Globe). Here's 29 things you didn't know about Penguins, published on Discover The World.
Flat Earth Billboard GoFund Me Funded, Goes up off I 76 W!The Billboard will go up at 1600 S. Warfield St. I 76 (W), it is a digital billboard, funded on GoFundMe in a matter of a couple of hours. It will go up Wednesday June 7th, at 20ft X 60 ft. in size. "The advertisement will be played 9,450 times and be viewed 338,900 times, costing $2.46 per thousand views." Excerpt from the Digital Advertisement's website, "Schuylkill Expwy @ Warfield Ave Your message here commands a view of traffic traveling to Philadelphia International Airport, the South Philadelphia Sports Complexes and the Walt Whitman Bridge, from New Jersey, South Philadelphia & Southwest Philadelphia. Traffic originates from Center City, the prestigious University of Pennsylvania & Drexel University Campuses as well as Amtrak’s 30th Street Station"
April 2021