Exaltcom.com does a line of sight test, achieving 150 miles of straight level observation. This should not be possible on a ball earth with a circumference at the equator of 25,000 miles.Plenty of articles refer to the experiment, which wasn't intended to generate flat earth evidence. Notably here, here, and here.
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Ty Gorton and the gang have completed the first issue of Flat Revival. Spiritual North boasts an extensive Q&A about 'Flatlandia' amidst its pages.It's always fun to be first. Well Flat Revival Magazine is no exception to that rule. Check out this new rag and get your copy today! "Are you serious? Yes. Are you controlled opposition? No." - FAQPerhaps you can appreciate the comedy of this being answered as the second in a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
The Forthcoming First Edition of Flat Revival Magazine Publishes Q&A with Spiritual North. Flat Revival Magazine has put together an excellent and wide-ranging collection of FE related material for the first edition. Issue One has contributions from Flat Earth Smarts, Spiritual North, Rusted Sol, Crow 777, Pauly Hart, D. Marble, Kan Ev Art, as well as as yet un-named others. Publisher Ty Gorton and Editor Lewi Lewis discussed a few key samples from issue one. Among them was a contribution from Spiritual North, selected from the full article in the upcoming publication. Listen to Flat Revival discuss Spiritual North in the video below. Keep an eye out for Issue One and consider submitting to a future edition of flatrevival.com! Links if you want to check out their Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter page, as well.
Brian Hickey, a staff writer for the Philly Voice, reached out to Spiritual North, for a comment on the upcoming eclipse.On August 17th, 2017, Hickey published an article which has been a continuation of his thread of covering Flat Earth related topics, since back when he initially covered the Research Flat Earth Billboard in Philadelphia. Since then, he wrote this, this and this as follow up articles. The last of which impressively covered how a Flat Earth group in Indonesia turned down an offer of $50,000 to advertise for a documentary about NASA astronaut Linda Godwin, entitled 250 Miles Up. Well this is the best article to date, and it covers and in depth pro and con perspective from both sides of the argument. Within this spectrum, Spiritual North was heavily quoted from, and had perhaps the longest pro-flat earth comment published in the article. Here's the quote that went out in the Philly Voice today: Perhaps one of the strongest components to the article that Brian Hickey has crafted, is that he appropriately identifies pro-flat earthers and skeptics at the onset of their quote. One of the difficulties of this research going into it is figuring out who believes what and why, and this article goes a long way in making that public for everyone to see. Consider shooting Brian Hickey an email to congratulate him on being an objective journalist (and one of the first - if not the first - in the Flat Earth arena) [email protected] or perhaps give him a follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/brianphickey.
Alexis Kleinman Drafts an Unbiased Flat Earth Article, which Comes Across as Well-Written and ThoughtfulProps to any journalist with the cajones to write a real article about Flat Earth.
Got to hand it to Forbes. Way to cash in on that Flat Earth SEO. You title an article with the notion that an eclipse will disprove flat earth, then you proceed to not discuss flat earth once, or how an eclipse can disprove it. Solid reporting.On August 12th, 2017 Brad Auerbach publishes an article on Forbes.com alleging an eclipse disproves Flat Earth and then goes on to mention zero reasons why. In fact the only reference to Flat Earth in the article is a "a wacky friend from high school who has inexplicably become a Flat Earther." He offers no information about how an eclipse is disproving flat earth or proving the spherical model. Real straight-shooter, this one.
Denver Post recently did an article on Flat Earth. In particular, about the meetups that are happening in the Colorado area.The Post article ran with this headline, "These Coloradans say Earth is flat. And gravity's a hoax. Now they're being persecuted." The article mentions Globebusters, Flat Earth Conference, ODD Reality and the Ice Wall Theory... Articles about Flat Earth in the mainstream that don't somnabulistically point to the The Flat Earth Society (a known controlled opposition group) are becoming more and more common. Also recently, Vice magazine ran 10 Questions for a Flat Earth featuring Nathan Oakley, which is another legit journalism endeavor. Flat Earth has revamped the SEO and will continue to become more and more popular with respect to being given due consideration.
A follow up article appeared a few days after, also in the Denver Post, entitled, "I'm a skeptic and I love the Flat Earth movement." Washington Post Reports, "No, NASA not hiding kidnapped children on Mars" NASA hilariously and creepily announced there are, "no kidnapped children on Mars." This is mainstream news, according to the Washington Post. Essentially what's going on here is this is a "debunk" of a planted narrative, in other words, it's an oppositional article to a fiction.
“But the point is you tried to express your views and were prevented by a violent mob. So if you were an anarchist or a scientologist, or a Flat Earth activist, it wouldn’t matter, you weren’t allowed to exercise your first amendment rights and that’s shocking.”Research Flat Earth Billboard gets Local News Coverage, demonstrating for less than a Grand Flat Earth Marketing Coordinators have Mainlined into the System.The Flat Earth Guerrilla Marketing campaign is well underway, as the less than $1,000 investment in a 'Research Flat Earth' billboard has now earned CBS Philly News' attention, thereby multiplying the value of each dollar spent on the Billboard and indicating unilaterally Flat Earther's make prudent Marketing Decisions. |
April 2021