Magnetic North (LP), a full album by Frank America (aka Spiritual North)
A new Flat Earth Documentary by YouTube User, Lucid Truth, walks calmly and patiently through the vital considerations surrounding the shape of the earth.With a sincere heart for those whom still doubt, Lucid Truth demonstrates a top notch compilation of the majority of arguments that have been collected surrounding Space Deception, and the shape of the earth. Also contains an enigmatic and somewhat under backed new position on the shape of the earth. The original video has just over 6K views, but the mirror put up by Celebrate Truth already has over 570K with 6K likes. The Rise of True Cosmology by waykiwayki discusses Flat Earth in a manner which can only be called exemplary.Waykiwayki was invited to Zurich to present on his Flat Earth lecture entitled, 'The Rise of True Cosmology'. Listening to the lecture reminded me of what a New York reporter said of Nikola Tesla's presentation to a crowd of New York's finest, that it, 'Passed over most of the heads of the audience in a bright stream'. Waykiwayki, with a measly 14K subscribers, is undoubtedly the most underrated top-tier Flat Earth researcher in the field currently. Moreover, he has been pushing endorsement and embracement of Blockchain technology and Cryptocurency, such as Etherium, since several months back. Undoubtedly a Kong in a field of mere humans, Waykiwayki suffers no fools in this teeth-shredding presentation on Flat Earth, bitches. Washington Post Reports, "No, NASA not hiding kidnapped children on Mars" NASA hilariously and creepily announced there are, "no kidnapped children on Mars." This is mainstream news, according to the Washington Post. Essentially what's going on here is this is a "debunk" of a planted narrative, in other words, it's an oppositional article to a fiction.
Turns out the "moon rock" given to the Dutch Prime Minister by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is in fact just petrified wood.The Fake Moon Rock, housed at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, and which has been observed under false pretenses by "tens of thousands" of visitors every day, according to, is in fact a "Fugazi!" According to, "The discovery of a fake moon rock in the Netherlands' national museum should be a wake-up call for more than 130 countries that received gifts of lunar rubble from both the Apollo 11 flight in 1969 and Apollo 17 three years later."
There is a deep irony in my being able to reference Donny Brasco, a film where Johnny Depp plays Don the Jeweler, who becomes a "fake mobster" saying, "Why don't you go home and give it to your wife or something. What I'm saying is, give it to someone who doesn't know any better because that's a fugazi." Meanwhile Mr. Aldrin and Mr. Armstrong remain "fake astronauts", and as more and more proof floods in, will be seen as the pawns they are, in a larger scheme. Of course it hurts to hear something is a fake. That's don't make it real, so why don't you take your moon rocks NASA and go home and give it to your wives or something? "It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation. Neil Tyson Tweets About Flat Earth saying it is Fine to Believe So Long as You Don't 'Ascend to the Head of NASA'.Guess what, the Flat Earth debate is still hot underway! Just yesterday, Astro-Actor Neil Tyson tweets again, this time to no-one and everyone in-particular, basically that it's cool to think the earth is flat so long as you don't work for NASA. Honestly Neil, do you think Flat Earthers are seeking gainful employment with NASA? Even for a smart guy like you, that's a bit far-fetched.
April 2021