Magnetic North (LP), a full album by Frank America (aka Spiritual North)
"You can tell it's real because it looks so fake." - Elon Musk What I enjoyed about this video, beyond pulling in 12K views in a day (all whom heard my tune), was that it called all the listeners to vote and submit their favorite stupid quotes. So the comments were really entertaining and created a consensus algorithm around what is deemed as stupidity. "It is photoshopped because it has to be." - Robert Simmon "What you're looking at here is a mirage." - Tom Coomes A new Flat Earth Documentary by YouTube User, Lucid Truth, walks calmly and patiently through the vital considerations surrounding the shape of the earth.With a sincere heart for those whom still doubt, Lucid Truth demonstrates a top notch compilation of the majority of arguments that have been collected surrounding Space Deception, and the shape of the earth. Also contains an enigmatic and somewhat under backed new position on the shape of the earth. The original video has just over 6K views, but the mirror put up by Celebrate Truth already has over 570K with 6K likes. With over 17 Million views on YouTube SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Test Launch appears to be a complete success. However, at the critical point to watch the Falcon ascend into Low Earth Orbit the feed cuts out, and we're left with an awkward moment with the telecasters not dissimilar to the "cut feed" that happened on a previous SpaceX rocket landing, and after the announcers vaguely expressed some opinions about technical functions, the screen cuts back to a photoshopped image of a car in space! Well done Elon, well done.If you take a moment to watch the last four minutes of the test launch video, which was trending #1 on YouTube on last Wednesday February 7th, 2018, note that we never stay with the rocket as it heads up into Low Earth Orbit, but rather there is a "loss feed" and an awkward moment with the telecasters. Also note the quality of the images depicting the rocket in Low Earth Orbit, the absence of stars, and similarities to a previous rocket landing with a similar "cut feed" issue. Abstractly speaking, the fact that the car is occupied by "Starman" may be a reference to Jeff Bridges character in Starman, where he plays an Alien, furthering the "space" Hollywood Alien propaganda/agenda. Lastly, Elon Musk said of his recent Tesla 4th quarter losses, "If we can send a Roadster to the asteroid belt, we can probably solve Model 3 production,"... which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. |
April 2021