Spiritual North is making each chapter in his recent book, 'Flatlandia' available for free on YouTube, with one video per chapter.In case $7.99 is a little tough on the wallet, SN has opted to give away all the content of 'Flatlandia' in the name of freedom of information and dissemination of the brand. Although, you'll have to be patient as I get them out one by one. If you just can't wait and do opt to purchase a copy of the book, you'll be happy to know it includes over 200 hyperlinks of research and investigation. Want to help? Consider writing an Amazon Review for 'Flatlandia'.It is very easy, just click this link, and click "Write a review". Thank you in advance for your assistance in promoting my work.
Denver Post recently did an article on Flat Earth. In particular, about the meetups that are happening in the Colorado area.The Post article ran with this headline, "These Coloradans say Earth is flat. And gravity's a hoax. Now they're being persecuted." The article mentions Globebusters, Flat Earth Conference, ODD Reality and the Ice Wall Theory... Articles about Flat Earth in the mainstream that don't somnabulistically point to the The Flat Earth Society (a known controlled opposition group) are becoming more and more common. Also recently, Vice magazine ran 10 Questions for a Flat Earth featuring Nathan Oakley, which is another legit journalism endeavor. Flat Earth has revamped the SEO and will continue to become more and more popular with respect to being given due consideration.
A follow up article appeared a few days after, also in the Denver Post, entitled, "I'm a skeptic and I love the Flat Earth movement." Spiritual North's 'Flatlandia' Available on Amazon!Are robot space aliens hiding in your Cheerios? Can you rent a car to drive to the edge of the earth? Since when are Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Katy Perry besties? Was it Michio Kaku that produced the new Aliens movie? Spiritual North answers these types of questions in a collection of essays investigating the shape of our earth. 'Flatlandia' is not only a socio-cultural and epistemological inquiry, but also an interactive hyper-media with over 200 embedded links of reference and research for further exploration. Feeling generous? Write a short review for 'Flatlandia' and help others find their way to it!
FEPE has achieved Urban Dictionary Status as of quite recently. FEPE stands for Flat Earth People Everywhere.There are Fepe.
Washington Post Reports, "No, NASA not hiding kidnapped children on Mars" NASA hilariously and creepily announced there are, "no kidnapped children on Mars." This is mainstream news, according to the Washington Post. Essentially what's going on here is this is a "debunk" of a planted narrative, in other words, it's an oppositional article to a fiction.
April 2021