Youtube Personality Brian Mullin, who Found Popularity for His Flat Earth Engineering and Physics Show, 'Balls Out Physics', Scrubbed His Material and Changed Account to Creational Cosmology Institute on YouTube*Updated May 19 2017 The reason for his removing the account, or for having his account removed, is as of yet unknown. First off, it seemed he took down the material himself because he was going through a re-branding. This was evident because his YouTube Page changed its name to Creation Cosmology Institute, and Creation Cosmology had a Facebook Page, and a Google Plus Page. But as of May 19th, 2017, the YouTube and Facebook are now completely deleted, which speaks against the rebranding, and begs the question as to why Mullin would scrub over 18k subscribers. Around April 19th, 2017 the content from the well known Channel ran by Mullin came down off YouTube but the Account remained active. This as mentioned suggested a simple rebranding. But in light of this recent deletion "rebranding" feels less likely. If Mullin didn't back Balls Out Physics, wouldn't he have spoken out and said so? Even though he may be moving out of the content arena and more toward producing, such as with his work on the Flat Earth International Conference (FEIC) in 2017, why so brazenly incommunicado? Whether he's moving away from the lens, or his content is being leaned on, the removal of the Series is deserving of an explanation, and the absence of one is disheartening. It would be very nice if Brian Mullin cleared it up. The longer he doesn't the less convinced I am that he chose to take down the series. If Brian was going to willfully leave YT, would he not give a fair well video and explain why to his followers? The sudden movements without comment are concerning. If Brian Mullin doesn't back his own work anymore, that seems like something he would want people to know. The censoring of Flat Earth Youtube Channels has occurred before, such as with ODD TV. Mullin became well known for his work on 'Balls Out Physics', coupled with his down to earth personality and straightforward attitude. BOP is of a calibre that makes censorship possible, particularly for its Flat Earth disposition towards mathematics, physics, and engineering. You can watch Mullin's 'Balls Out Physics' in its entirety here and/or the documentary he Executive Produced, 'Scientism Exposed', which was directed by Robbie Davidson. Check his IMDB Page here. (Click Image To Read More) A little more background info. A thread popped up on Reddit on April 22nd, 2017, just twenty four days ago, with this series of posts spawned by a user named nativism, whom wrote,
His Page on the FE2017 Conference has a video down, One Youtuber, Zhib Rhan postulated that Mullin has become interested specifically in LSC, and his view of Concave Earth Theory, though somewhat ominously and without any real reason why or reference to any of the arguments Mullin presented in his work. The same video posted on LSC's channel has three times as many dislikes as likes.
Fortunately, Mullin has published much material beyond his own channel, including an interview on Flat Earth & Other Hot Potatoes, his documentary Scientism Exposed, an interview about Scientism Exposed on Rob Skiba's Channel, and thankfully, as mentioned, his entire season of Balls Out Physics, which was re-uploaded by 7th Day Truth Seeker, most recently on March 13th, 2017, a good month before this happened! Check out Brian's cool discussion about flights traveling over the North Pole posted above. Comments are closed.
April 2021