This does not pretend to be the only, or the last, of its kind...Flat Earth will be and is becoming the foremost heightening of intellectualism among our species here in the Terra system. We laughed our way through Space Bubbles, NASA moon Hoaxing, and a myriad other other Scientism based globramming. At this stage in history those whom will defy the encrusted ossified and calcified parasitic globalism agenda will be the John Lennons, the Bob Marleys and the J.F. Kennedy Jr.'s of now-a-days, except we select no leader, and as such, we cannot be beheaded... For we are like a grove of aspens, interconnected in subterranean root systems that enable us whether through digital messaging, videos, comments, memes, phone calls, skype calls, or through lucid dreaming, to connect with one another, even if in the nocturnal realm, to find the truth, shed greater light upon it, and stand up resolute against any debasement of such facts. (Click Photo To Continue Reading) We live in a fact based reality. We know that images do not connote reality. We see a Sun and Moon of the same size. We experience a stationary earth. We are aware of the Globalism agenda perpetuated by the Space Agencies of the World, the United Nations, and the various Intelligence Agencies and their disinformation campaigns. We are not some 1970's South American Country that can be infiltrated by the CIA to engineer a Coup d'état and replace the leader with a pro-globalism agenda. We do not follow Eric Dubay, or anybody else for that matter. We do not claim an Absolute Religion as a collective, though many of us find truth in various faiths after having investigated Flat Earth Reality. Many of us also find no need of Religion. WE ARE THE WAKENING DEW UPON THE FLOWERS OF MORNING. REFRESHING, HYDRATING, and CARRYING OUR ESSENCES to the fields of the earth. Our dreams are becoming our realities. We see beyond the veil. We have lifted the curtain... There is no ONE PERSON, ONE PHOTO, ONE MEME, that can make or break this case. This case rests on the foundations of Heaven and Earth... We are the stuff that stars are made of. We become enlightened and illumined as we dig through the jewels of hidden memory. Our amnesia whisks off as we clarify, decalcify, as we enhance our neuro-plasticity our POV, our artistic intent and solidify our integrity, our footing upon this Flat Plane. You are very scared. We understand this. We even sympathize for you. It can be very scary to feel the carpet come out from beneath you. It can be very scary to lose your piles of gold, and your jewels, and your stock options, and your high-tech nano-whazit-gizmos...
We have left your store of petty trinkets and sci-fi tchotchkies. We still appreciate a good movie. We know it's a movie. We do not agree to your Independence Day Globramming, your Jesuit Alien Psy-Op Agenda. We do not worship your Luciferic Sun, but we do see it as a reflection of Intelligence in this phenomenal realm. Perhaps one day you will join us. Perhaps one day you will unfetter yourselves from ages of Karma, for blood spilt, from rituals conducted, from your dark chambers with your sick and twisted black magic. We claim a new world. We claim a flat plane. We claim an open-mindedness to explore this realm and discover its true character, property and dimensions. Some of us follow Jesus. Some of us follow Mohammed. Some of us follow Krishna. Some us follow no-body. Some of us do not believe in God. Some of us are certain of God's existence. We are all together knowing this is a flat plane and there are things we can agree upon. Things we can get behind. Ways we can join together for truth, for peace, for the integrity of our spiritual experience as physical bodies. We have Scientists, Philosophers, and Religious Scholars among our Ranks. We are the outnumbered numbered. We believe in the experience we have obtained, and continue to obtain. We recognize reality. We are not fooled by blurry lines and info-tainment bites and Psy-Op Globramming packaged in Television shows and predictive programming across a myriad of networks displaying their dark Cabal, their secret henchmen, their secret entrenchment of the soulless elect. Oh how the false Mighty will tumble! Oh how the lights will shine bright and true. Would that you might reconsider and take up a path of integrity, to better yourself, your neighbor, your community. We are no longer party, or part of, your idling fluorided sheeple... We will not succumb to your Orwellian Chip Up Transhumanism agenda... We see your false prophecies... We invite you to find peace in your heart and learn how to best serve your highest integrity. We do hope you'll join us. Comments are closed.
April 2021