Spiritual North is a media source for Truther related content.Magnetism is a Law. It is not true in one sense and untrue in another. In the spirit of the unbiasedness of magnetism this blog humbly approaches the Truth about our reality. For Truth, like Magnetism, is a Law. Spiritual North, to me, represents my human tuning to Scientific and Spiritual Truth. Both Zetetic Inquiry and The Scientific Method are deemed relevant, and applicable, and remain in my tool kit to assemble information in the service of Truth, which is otherwise known as Law. Every compass points North. Polaris sits directly above The North Pole. The heavenly firmament rotates about Polaris. Like these fixed Truths, my solemn promise is to aim for Polaris, a Spiritual North, just as a compass aims for The North Pole, all while remaining willing to reformulate my inner and over-standing of reality as better information on any matter, of Heaven or Earth, be made available to me. With that said my Faith and Conviction are in the Lord Jesus Christ aka Yeshua the Nazarene, whom Christed, enabled a frequency which we can now fill ourselves with. Beyond this position, I lay no claim to Absolute Truth in the sense that I do know there is much I do not know.
For example, if I say I can prove the earth is flat to you and you were just looking for a quick debunk, then your position would be to steel yourself over prior to the onslaught of my points, and remain cautious and ready with the sword of Reason, to sleigh down false idols with sharp mental acuity at the first trace of vulnerability. Never mind if what you were actually hearing may be accurate, and you were, perhaps, depriving yourself of an opportunity to acquire new information, no, there would only be one correct view here, yours, and so you would remain ready to pounce, and prove my stupidity once and for all! As well you should. I should say I think I would do the same! That is why I do not say I can prove the earth is flat no more than a CGI composite photo can prove the earth is a sphere. Instead, I say that I have some questions, and if you are interested in researching the answers for yourself, they may be of some guidance with respect to inquiring into the nature of our reality. With that in mind, here are some simple thoughts which might kick things into gear: Does the horizon always rise to eye level? Do ships disappear over a curve on the horizon? Does water lie level? How can water sit flat on a sphere earth? Is my experience stationary? Do the stars look like they're moving? Does Polaris move? Do the Sun and the Moon appear to be the same size? Who invented Gravity? Why was that necessary? Who invented Special Relativity? Why was that necessary? Answers to these and other questions may assist in the journey to understand your reality. Perhaps, a relevant question is, why do so many people dive-bomb into the Flat Earth thing? Seriously, days and weeks of endless YouTube videos... I mean, I see how cat videos are a thing, but you don't see people chronically watching cat videos like it's the next episode of Breaking Bad! This doesn't mean the earth is flat. But it does mean there is high interest in Flat Earth. So I guess my point is where there's smoke usually there's fire. And Flat Earth is smokin'. At the very least in pursuit of a debunk of Flat Earth, you will inevitably log time studying our intellectual heritage, whilst aiming to see what's what for your own self. Even if that is to prove it is a ball. Or to prove it is Flat. Either would be a very beautiful thing indeed, to know. Truth, much like the magnetism through the earth that draws a compass's needle North, requires no translation, and is applicable everywhere. Truth can withstand any argument against it, for it is undebunkable and self-evident. My intention with Spiritual North is to aim for Truth, and while doing so, spread kindness, awareness, humor, ethic-based research and clarity. I believe in my own morphology, and am always willing to incorporate new information. It is my hope that this intention will lead me and others further on our path of discovery. Thanks for tuning in! Baba Joe 4/19/2017 Comments are closed.
April 2021